As a business owner or real estate investor, we understand that you have spent years investing time and money into building the business. Regardless of why you want to sell your business – career change, cash out, partnership dispute, or other reason, CLG Realty Advisors can help show you how to maximize your business value and sell in confidentiality.
When selling an established operating business, typically the lease, equipment and liquor license (if there is one) will be included in the sale. It will also depend on the P&L of the business. If a business is turning a profit and the seller does not own another location with the same name & concept, the name, menu, goodwill, equipment, lease and liquor license are included in a sale. If the business is marginally profitable or not turning a profit the lease, equipment and liquor license, if applicable, is sometimes sold separately from the real estate itself.
There is a combination of marketing strategies we use to get the word out about your operation for sale. One of our strongest tools is our database along with other resources that allow us to reach people here in Michigan and across the county.